Item No. | Description | Retail |
DS ACEGIN2G | Acer ginnala - Amur Maple - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS ACEGIN5G | Acer ginnala - Amur Maple - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS ACEGINJEF2G | Acer ginnala 'Jefum' -Royal Crown Maple 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS AROAUTMA3G | Aronia melancarpa 'Autumn Magic' - Autumn Magic Chokeberry - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS BERAN2G | Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea Nana' - Golden Dwarf Barberry 2 gal | $28.00 |
DS BERCONC2G | Berberis thunbergii 'Concorde' - Concorde Barberry - 2 gal | $28.00 |
DS BERRB3G | Berberis thunbergii 'Gentry' - Royal Burgundy Barberry - 3 gal | $36.00 |
DS BERRG2G | Berberis thunbergii 'Rosy Glow' - Rose Glow Barberry - 2 gal | $28.00 |
DS BERRG5G | Berberis thunbergii 'Rosy Glow' - Rose Glow Barberry - 5 gal | $40.00 |
DS BERRRC2G | Berberis thunbergii 'Royal Cloak' Barberry - 2 gal | $28.00 |
DS BERRSEN2G | Berberis thunbergii 'Sunsation' Barberry - 2 gal | $28.00 |
DS BERTARA2G | Berberis thunbergii Tara' - Emerald Carousel Barberry - 2 gal | $28.00 |
DS BUXMGV3G | Buxus micro. 'Green Velvet' - Green Velvet Boxwood - 3 gal | $36.00 |
DS BUXXCAL2G | Buxus x 'Calgary' - Calgary Boxwood' - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS BUXXCAL7G | Buxus x 'Calgary' - Calgary Boxwood - 7 gal | $35.00 |
DS CARGLO1G | Caragana frutex globosa - Globe Caragana - 1 gal | $16.00 |
DS CARGLO2G | Caragana frutex globosa - Globe Caragana - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS CELDIBS2G | Celastrus scandens 'Diane' - Diane Bittersweet- 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS CLETHRS3G | Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice'- Ruby Spice Pinks -3 gal | $26.00 |
DS COCOG2G | Cotinus coggygia 'Grace' - Grace Smokebush 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS CORNBY2G | Cornus alba 'Bud's Yellow' Bud's Yellow Dogwood -2 gal | $20.00 |
DS CORNBY3G | Cornus alba 'Bud's Yellow' - Bud's Yellow Dogwood - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS CORNELE2G | Cornus alba 'Elegantissima' - Silverleaf Dogwood - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS CORNELE5G | Cornus alba 'Elegantissima' - Silverleaf Dogwood - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS CORNGE2G | Cornus alba 'Gouchaltii' - Goldedge Dogwood - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS CORNIH1G | Cornus alba 'Bailhalo' - Ivory Halo Dogwood - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS CORNIH2G | Cornus alba 'Bailhalo' - Ivory Halo Dogwood - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS CORNIH3G | Cornus alba 'Bailhalo' - Ivory Halo Dogwood - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS CORNIH5G | Cornus alba 'Bailhalo' - Ivory Halo Dogwood - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS CORNJEF3G | Cornus alba 'Jefreb' - Little Rebel Dogwood - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS CORNKES2G | Cornus alba 'Kesselfingii' - Kesselring Dogwood - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS CORNNB2G | Cornus alba 'ByBoughen' - Neon Burst Dogwood - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS CORNPF2G | Cornus alba 'Prairie Fire' - Prairie Fire Dogwood - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS CORNPF5G | Cornus alba 'Praire Fire' - Praire Fire Dogwood' - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS CORNS&G2G | Cornus alba 'Silver & Gold' - Silver & Gold Dogwood - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS CORNSE2G | Cornus alba argentea marginata - Silveredge Dogwood - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS CORNSIB2G | Cornus alba 'Sibirica 'Coral' - Siberian Coral Dogwood - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS CORNSK3G | Cornus sericea 'Kelseyi' - Kelsey Dogwood - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS CORNSRO2G | Cornus sericea - Red Osier Dogwood - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS CORNSRO5G | Cornus sericea - Red Osier Dogwood - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS CORNSTF2G | Cornus stolonifera 'Farrow' - Arctic Fire Dogwood -2 gal | $24.00 |
DS CORNSTN2G | Cornus stolonifera 'Neil Z' - Pucker Up Dogwood - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS CORNYT5G | Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' - Yellowtwig Dogwood - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS CORYC2G | Corylus cornuta - Beaked Hazelnut -2 gal | $26.00 |
DS CORYC3G | Corylus cornuta - Beaked Hazelnut - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS COTCOGRP3G | Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' - Royal Purple Smoke Bush - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS COTINT2G | Cotoneaster integrimus - Cotoneaster - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS COTOAUCU5G | Cotoneaster actutifolia - Peking Cotoneaster - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS CYTYB1G | Cytisus decumbens - Yellow Broom - 1 gal | $16.00 |
DS DIERLFN3G | Diervilla Firefly Nightglow - Firefly Nightglow Honeysuckle - 3 gal | $35.00 |
DS DIERLON3G | Diervilla lonicera - Bush Honeysuckle - 3gal | $24.00 |
DS ELECOM2G | Eleagnus commutata - Wolf Willow - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS EUALACOM1G | Euonnymus alatus compacta - Compact Burning Bush - 1 gal | $16.00 |
DS EUALACOM2G | Euonymus alatus compacta - Compact Burning Bush - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS EUALACOM3G | Euonymus alatus compacta - Compact Burning Bush - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS EUALAFB2G | Euonymus alatus 'Fire Ball' -Burning Bush -2 gal | $24.00 |
DS EUNANTUR2G | Euonymus nana turkestanica - Turkestan Burning Bush - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS FORC3G | Forsythia x courtasol - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS FORNG2G | Forsythia ovata 'Northern Gold' - Northern Gold Forsythia - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS FORNG3G | Forsythia ovata 'Northern Gold' - Northern Gold Forsythia - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS FORNG5G | Forsythia ovata 'Northern Gold' - Northern Gold Forsythia - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS FORSOSB3G | Forsythia ovata 'Show Offf Sugar Baby' - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS FORYGT3G | Forsythia x int. 'Gold Tide' - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS GENLYD1G | Genista Lydia - Lydia Broom 1 gal | $16.00 |
DS HAMVIR3G | Hamamelis virginiana - Witch Hazel - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS HIPRHIK1G | Hippophae rhamnoides 'Hikul' - Seabuckthorn 1 gal | $16.00 |
DS HIPRHIK2G | Hippophae rhamnoides 'Hikul' Seabuckthorn - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS HYDANNA1G | Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' - Annabelle Hydrangea - 1 gal | $16.00 |
DS HYDANNA2G | Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' - Annabelle Hydrangea - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS HYDANNA3G | Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' - Annabelle Hydrangea - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDARIN3G | Hydrangea arborescens 'Incrediball' - 3 gal | $36.00 |
DS HYDARINL3G | Hydrangea arb. Invincibelle 'Limetta' - 3 gal | $36.00 |
DS HYDARINW2G | Hydrangea arb. Invincibelle 'Wee White' -2 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDARINW3G | Hydrangea arb. Invincibelle 'Wee White' - 3 gal | $36.00 |
DS HYDARIS2G | Hydrangea arb. Invincibelle Spirit II - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDARIS3G | Hydrangea arb. Invincibelle Spirit II - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS HYDMALD3G | Hydrangea mac. 'Let's Dance Blue Jangles' - 3 gal | $34.00 |
DS HYDPBO2G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Bobo' -Bobo Hydrangea -2 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDPBO3G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Bobo' - Bobo Hydrangea - 3 gal | $34.00 |
DS HYDPD2G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Interhydia' - Pink Diamond Hydrangea - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS HYDPDR3G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Diamond Rouge' - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDPFI2G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Fire & Ice' - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDPFL2G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Fire Light' - Firelight Hydrangea - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDPFL3G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Fire Light'- Fire Light Hydrangea 3 gal | $34.00 |
DS HYDPG1G | Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora - PG Hydrangea - 1 gal | $16.00 |
DS HYDPG2G | Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora - PG Hydrangea - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS HYDPG3G | Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora - PG Hydrangea - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDPJ3G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane' - Little Lime Hydrangea - 3 gal | $34.00 |
DS HYDPLC2G | Hydrangea pan. 'Lavalamp Candelabra' -2 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDPLL2G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lamb' - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDPLLT3G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' - Limelight Hydrangea - 3 gal | $34.00 |
DS HYDPLM2G | Hydrangea pan. 'Lavalamp Moonrock' - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS HYDPLQF1G | Hydrangea pan. 'Little Quick Fire' - Little Quick Fire Hyd. - 1 gal | $16.00 |
DS HYDPLQF2G | Hydrangea pan. 'Little Quick Fire' Hydrangea - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS HYDPMC3G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Magical Candle' - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS HYDPMF3G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Magical Fire' Hydrangea - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS HYDPPW3G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky' - Pinky Winky Hydrangea - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS HYDPREN3G | Hydrangea pan. 'Rentry' Vanilla Strawberry - 3 gal | $34.00 |
DS HYDPSF2G | Hydrangea paniculata 'Sunday Fraise' - Sunday Fraise Hydrangea - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS LONAR2G | Lonicera tatarica 'Arnold's Red' - Arnold's Red Honeysuckle - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS LONFLA5G | Lonicera x 'Flamingo' - Flamingo Honeysuckle - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS LONIN2G | Lonicera involucrata - Twin-bract Honeysuckle - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS LONMG2G | Lonicera x xylosteoides 'Miniglobe' - Miniglobe Honeysuckle - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS LONSAK2G | Lonicera maximowiizii sachalinensis - Sakhalin Honeysuckle - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS LONSWB2G | Lonicera caerulea var.edulis - Sweetberry Honeysuckle - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS LONSWB5G | Lonicera caerulea var.edulis - Sweetberry Honeysuckle - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS PHILAUR1G | Philadelphus coronarius 'Aurea' - Golden Mockorange - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS PHILAUR2G | Philadelphus coronarius 'Aurea' - Golden Mockorange - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS PHILBLIZ2G | Philadelphus lewisii 'Blizzard' - Blizzard Mockorange - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS PHILBLIZ5G | Philadelphus lewisii 'Blizzard' - Blizzard Mockorange - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS PHILGAL2G | Philadelphus x 'Galahad' - Galahad Mockorange -2 gal | $20.00 |
DS PHILSNO1G | Philadelphus 'Snowbelle' Mockorange - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS PHILSNO2G | Philadelphus 'Snowbelle' Mockorange - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS PHILXMIN2G | Philadelphus xv. 'Minnesota Snowflake' 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS PHILXMIN3G | Philadelphus xv. 'Minnesota Snowflake' - Snowflake Mockorange - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS PHYSAJ3G | Physocarpus op. 'Amber Jubilee' - Amber Jubilee Ninebark - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS PHYSAJ5G | Physocarpus op. 'Amber Jubilee' - Amber Jubilee Ninebark - 5 gal | $40.00 |
DS PHYSBC2G | Physocarpus op. Burgundy Candy Ninebark | $26.00 |
DS PHYSCG2G | Physocarpus op. 'Center Glow' - Center Glow Ninebark - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS PHYSCG3G | Physocarpus op. 'Center Glow' - Center Glow Ninebark - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS PHYSCG5G | Physocarpus op. 'Center Glow' - Center Glow Ninebark - 5 gal | $36.00 |
DS PHYSCOP3G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Mindia' - Coppertina Ninebark - 3 gal | $40.00 |
DS PHYSDG1G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold' Ninebark - 1 gal | $16.00 |
DS PHYSDG2G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold' - Dart's Gold Ninebark - 2 gal | $10.00 |
DS PHYSDG3G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold' - Dart's Gold Ninebark - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS PHYSDIA2G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Monlo' - Diabolo Ninebark - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS PHYSDIA3G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Monlo' - Diabolo Ninebark - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS PHYSDIA5G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Monlo' - Diabolo Ninebark - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS PHYSGW2G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Ginger Wine' - Ginger Wine Ninebark - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS PHYSLC2G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Lemon Candy ' - Lemon Candy Ninebark - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS PHYSLJ2G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Little Joker' Ninebark - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS PHYSPA2G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Panther' - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS PHYSRB2G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Red Baron' - Red Baron Ninebark - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS PHYSRB3G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Red Baron' - Red Baron Ninebark - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS PHYSSW2G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward' - Summerwine Ninebark - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS PHYSSW3G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward' - Summerwine Ninebark - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS PHYSTW2G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Tiny Wine' - Tiny Wine Ninebark - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS PHYSTW3G | Physocarpus opulifolius 'Tiny Wine' - Tiny Wine Ninebark - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS PHYSTWG2G | Physocarpus op. 'Tiny Wine Gold' - Tiny Wine Gold Ninebark - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS PHYSTWG3G | Physocarpus op. Tiny Wine Gold' - Tiny Wine Ninebark- 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS POTABB2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Abbotswood' - Abbotswood Potentilla - 2 gal | $18.00 |
DS POTABB3G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Abbotswood' - Abbotswood Potentilla - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS POTBB2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Bella Bellisma'- Bella Bellisma Potentilla - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS POTBS2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Bella Sol' - Bella Sol Potentilla -2 gal | $26.00 |
DS POTCT2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Coronation Triumph' - Coronation Triumph Potentilla - 2 gal | $18.00 |
DS POTGD2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Farreri' - Gold Drop Potentilla - 2 gal | $18.00 |
DS POTGF2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfinger' - Goldfinger Potentilla - 2 gal | $18.00 |
DS POTGS2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldstar' - Goldstar Potentilla - 2 gal | $18.00 |
DS POTGS3G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldstar' - Goldstar Potentilla - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS POTMA2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Jefmarm' - Marmalade Potentilla 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS POTMT1G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Mango Tango' - Mango Tango Potentilla - 1 gal | $14.00 |
DS POTMT2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Mango Tango' - Mango Tango Potentilla - 2 gal | $18.00 |
DS POTMW2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Mackay White' - Mackay White Potentilla - 2 gal | $18.00 |
DS POTOW2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Orange Whisper' - Orange Whisper Potentilla - 2 gal | $18.00 |
DS POTPB2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Pink Beauty' - Pink Beauty Potentilla - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS POTPB3G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Pink Beauty' - Pink Beauty Potentilla - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS POTRR3G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Marion Red Robin' - Red Robin Potentilla - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS POTSB2G | Potentilla fruticosa 'Snowbird' - Snowbird Potentilla - 2 gal | $18.00 |
DS PRUBES1G | Prunus besseyi - Western Sandcherry 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS PRUBES2G | Prunus besseyi - Western Sandcherry - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS PRUTEN2G | Prunus tenalla - Russian Almond - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS PRUTRI1G | Prunus triloba multiplex - Double Flowering Plum - 1 gal | $12.00 |
DS PRUTRI2G | Prunus triloba multiplex - Double Flowering Plum - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS PRUVIR2G | Prunus virginiana - Black Chokecherry - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS PRUXCIS1G | Prunus x cistena - Purpleleaf Sandcherry 1 gal | $12.00 |
DS PRUXCIS2G | Prunus x cistena - Purpleleaf Sandcherry - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS PRUXCIS3G | Prunus x cistena - Purpleleaf Sand cherry - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS RHOLIG2G | Rhododendron x ' Golden Lights' - Lights Azalea - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS RHOMAN2G | Rhododendron x 'Mandarin Lights' Azalea - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS RHOOHI2G | Rhododendron x 'Orchid Lights' - Orchid Lights Azalea - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS RHOPJM3G | Rhododendron carolinianom 'PJM' - PJM Rhododendron - 3 gal | $45.00 |
DS RHUGL2G | Rhus aromatica 'Growlow' Sumac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS RHUGL3G | Rhus aromatica 'Growlow' - Growlow Sumac - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS RHUTYP5G | Rhus typhina - Staghorn Sumac - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS RIBALP2G | Ribes alpinum - Alpine Currant - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS RIBASCH2G | Ribes alpinum 'Schmidt' - Schmidt Alpine Currant - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS RIBASCH3G | Ribes alpinum 'Schmidt' - Schmidt Alpine Currant - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS ROSAAH2G | Rosa 'Adelaide Hoodles' - Adelaide Hoodles Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAAM2G | Rosa 'Alexander McKenzie' - Alexander Mckenzie Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAAW3G | Rosa Woodsi - Native Rose - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS ROSACFN2G | Rosa 'Campfire' - Campfire Rose - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS ROSACG2G | Rosa 'Cuthbert Grant' Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSACSH2G | Rosa 'Captain Samuel Holland' - Captain Samuel Holland Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAH4H2G | Rosa 'Hope for Humanity' - Hope for Humanity Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAHAN1G | Rosa 'Hansa' - Hansa Rose - 1 gal | $14.00 |
DS ROSAHAN2G | Rosa 'Hansa' - Hansa Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAHK2G | Rosa 'Henry Kelsey' - Henry Kelsey Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAJC2G | Rosa 'John Cabot' - John Cabot Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSALC2G | Rosa 'Linda Campbell' - Linda Campbell Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAMC2G | Rosa 'Morden Centennial' - Morden Centennial Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAMCA2G | Rosa 'Morden Cardinette' - Morden Cardinette Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAMFG2G | Rosa 'Morden Fire Glow' - Morden Fire Glow Rose | $22.00 |
DS ROSAPP3G | Rosa 'Purple Pavement' - Purple Pavement Rose' - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS ROSAPPG3G | Rosa 'Pink Pavement' - Pink Pavement Rose - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS ROSAPRP3G | Rosa `Pristine Pavement``- Pristine Pavement Rose -3 gal | $24.00 |
DS ROSARUG3G | Rosa Rugosa - Rugosa Rose - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS ROSARUGA3G | Rosa rugosa alba - `White Rugosa Rose -3 gal | $24.00 |
DS ROSASCP1G | Rosa 'Scarlet Pavement' - Scarlet Pavement Rose - 1 gal | $18.00 |
DS ROSASCP3G | Rosa 'Scarlet Pavement' - Scarlet Pavement Rose - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS ROSASNP3G | Rosa 'Snow Pavement' - Snow Pavement Rose - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS ROSASTL2G | Rosa 'Sir Thomas Lipton' - Sir Thomas Lipton' - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSATB2G | Rosa 'Therese Bugnet' - Therese Bugnet Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS ROSAWO1G | Rosa Woodsii - Woods Rose (Native) 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS ROSAWPG2G | Rosa 'Winnepeg Parks' - Winnepeg Parks Rose - 2 gal | $21.00 |
DS SALAGW1G | Salix alba vitelina - Golden Willow 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SALAGW5G | Salix alba vitelina - Golden Willow - 5 gal | $50.00 |
DS SALBFX2G | Salix brachycarpa 'Blue Fox' - Blue Fox Willow - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SALBFX3G | Salix brachycarpa 'Blue Fox'- Blue Fox Willow -3 gal | $26.00 |
DS SALDPW2G | Salix discolor - Pussy Willow - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SALEX1G | Salix exigua - Native Willow - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SALHAK1G | Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' - Nishiki Willow - 1 gal | $12.00 |
DS SALHAK3G | Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' - Nishiki Willow - 3 gal | $26.00 |
DS SALIFL1G | Salix integra 'Flamingo' - Flamingo Willow -1 gal | $16.00 |
DS SALPART2G | Salix purpurea gracilis - Arctic Willow - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SALPDAR1G | Salix purpurea nana - Dwarf Arctic Willow - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SALPDAR2G | Salix purpurea nana - Dwarf Arctic Willow - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SALPDAR3G | Salix purpurea nana - Dwarf Artic Willow - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SALREP2G | Salix repens - Creeping Willow - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SALSPB2G | Salix salicola 'Polar Bear' - Polar Bear Willow - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SALSPB5G | Salix salicola 'Polar Bear' Willow - 5 gal | $40.00 |
DS SAMAUR1G | Sambucus canadensis 'Aurea' - Golden Elder - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SAMAUR2G | Sambucus canadensis 'Aurea' - Golden Elder - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SAMAUR3G | Sambucus canadensis 'Aurea' - Golden Elder - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SAMBL3G | Sambucus nigra Èva - Black Lace Elder - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SAMBT2G | Sambucus nigra - Black Tower Elder Berry - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS SAMLL3G | Sambucus racemosa 'Lemony Lace' Lemony Lace Elder- 3 gal | $36.00 |
DS SAMRAC5G | Sambucus racemosa - Red Berried Elder - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS SAMSUT2G | Sambucus racemosa 'Sutherland' - Sutherland Elder - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS SHEARG2G | Shepherdia argentea - Silver Buffaloberry - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS SHERUS2G | Shepherdia canadensis 'Russet' Buffaloberry - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS SORSEM3G | Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Sem' - Sem False Spirea - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SORSOR2G | Sorbaria sorbifolia - False Spirea - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SPIARGC2G | Spiraea arguta compacta - Compact Garland Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIBGG2G | Spiraea betulifolia 'Glow Girl' - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SPIBGG3G | Spiraea betulifolia 'Glow Girl' Spirea - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SPIBTOR1G | Spiraea betulfolia 'Tor' - Tor Birchleaf Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPIBTOR2G | Spiraea betufolia 'Tor' - Tor Birchleaf Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIBTOR3G | Spiraea betufolia 'Tor' - Tor Birchleaf Spirea - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SPIJALP2G | Spiraea japonica alpinum - Daphne Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIJAW1G | Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer' - Anthony Waterer Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPIJAW2G | Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer' - Anthony Waterer Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIJAW3G | Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer' - Anthony Waterer Spirea - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SPIJBK3G | Spiraea japonica `Double Play Kazoo`- Blue Kazoo Spirea 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SPIJCC3G | Spiraea japonica `Double Play Candy Corn`- Candy Corn Spirea 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SPIJDPR2G | Spiraea japonica 'Double Play Red' - Double Play Red Spirea -2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SPIJLP1G | Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' - Little Princess Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPIJLP2G | Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' - Little Princess Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIJLP3G | Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' - Little Princess Spirea - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SPIJMAG1G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Magic Carpet' - Magic Carpet Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPIJMAG2G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Magic Carpet' - Magic Carpet Spirea - 2gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIJMAG3G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Magic Carpet' - Magic Carpet Spirea - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SPIJMPRF2G | Spiraea japonica 'Matgold' -Poprocks Rainbow Fizz Spirea - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SPIJNEON2G | Spiraea japonica 'Neon Flash' - Neon Flash Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIJSH1G | Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana' - Shirobana Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPIJSH2G | Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana' - Shirobana Spiraea -2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIJSH3G | Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana' - Shirobana Spirea - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SPINSM1G | Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound' Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPINSM2G | Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound' - Snowmound Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPINSM3G | Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound' - Snowmound Spirea - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SPIRXVR2G | Spiraea x vanhouttei 'Renaissance' Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPITRI2G | Spiraea trilobata - Three Lobed Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPITRIFQ1G | Spiraea trilobata - Fairy Queen Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPITRIFQ2G | Spiraea trilobata - Fairy Queen Spirea - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SPIXDR2G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Dart's Red' - Dart's Red Spirea - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SPIXFI2G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Firelights' Firelights Spirea -2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SPIXFRO2G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Froebeli' - Frobel's Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIXFRO3G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Frobeli' - Frobel's Spirea -3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SPIXGF1G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Goldflame' - Goldflame Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPIXGM1G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Goldmound' - Goldmound Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPIXGM2G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Goldmound' - Goldmound Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIXGM3G | Spiraea x bumalda 'Goldmound' - Goldmound Spirea - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SPIXSNW1G | Spiraea x 'Snowhite' - Snowwhite Spirea - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS SPIXSNW2G | Spiraea x 'Snowhite' - Snowwhite Spirea - 2 gal | $19.00 |
DS SPIXSNW3G | Spiraea x 'Snowwhite' - Snowwhite Spirea - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SPIXVH3G | Spiraea x 'Vanhouttei' - Bridal Wreath Spirea - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SPIXVH5G | Spiraea x 'Vanhouttei' - Bridal Wreath Spirea - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYMALB2G | Symphoricarpus albus - White Snowberry - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SYMALB3G | Symphoricarpus albus - White Snowberry - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS SYMOSOF3G | Symphoricarpos sp. 'Sofie' - Proud Berry Coral Berry -3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRBH3G | Syringa 'Bailbelle' - Tinkerbelle Lilac - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRDW2G | Syringa prestoniae 'Donald Wyman' - Donald Wyman Preston Lilac - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SYRDW5G | Syringa prestoniae 'Donald Wyman' - Donald Wyman Preston Lilac - 5 gal | $26.00 |
DS SYRDWK2G | Syringa meyeri 'Palabin' - Dwarf Korean Lilac - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS SYRDWK3G | Syringa meyeri 'Palabin' - Dwarf Korean Lilac - 3g 40cm | $30.00 |
DS SYRJMF2G | Syringa prestoniae 'James Macfarlane' - James Macfarlane Preston Lilac - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SYRMC2G | Syringa prestoniae 'Miss Canada' - Miss Canada Preston Lilac - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SYRMC3G | Syringa prestoniae 'Miss Canada' Lilac - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRMC5G | Syringa prestoniae 'Miss Canada' - Miss Canada Preston Lilac - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRNOC2G | Syringa prestoniae 'Nocturne' - Nocturne Preston Lilac - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SYRNOC5G | Syringa prestoniae 'Nocturne' - Nocturne Preston Lilac - 5 gal | $26.00 |
DS SYRPATMK2G | Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' - Miss Kim Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRPATMK3G | Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' - Miss Kim Lilac - 3 gal | $28.00 |
DS SYRPUR2G | Syringa villosa purpurea - Purple Late Lilac - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SYRPUR5G | Syringa villosa purpurea - Purple Late Lilac - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRROY2G | Syringa prestoniae 'Royalty' - Royalty Preston Lilac - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS SYRVAG3G | Syringa vulgaris Àgincourt Beauty`- Agnicourt Beauty Lilac - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRVBM2G | Syringa vulgaris 'Beauty of Moscow' - Beauty of Moscow Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRVCJ2G | Syringa vulgaris 'Charles Joly' - Charles Joly Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRVCJ3G | Syringa vulgaris 'Charles Joly' Lilac - 3 gal | $32.00 |
DS SYRVKH2G | Syringa vulgaris 'Katherine Havenmeyer' - Katherine Havenmeyer Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRVLS2G | Syringa vulgaris 'Ludwig Spaeth' Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRVMML2G | Syringa vulgaris 'Mme. Lemoine' - Mme. Lemoine Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRVMML3G | Syringa vulgaris 'Mme. Lemoine' - Mme. Lemoine Lilac - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRVMO3G | Syringa vulgaris 'Monge'- Monge Lilac-3 gal | $36.00 |
DS SYRVPP2G | Syringa vulgaris 'Praire Petite' - Praire Petite Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRVSEN2G | Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation' - Sensation Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRVSEN3G | Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation' - Sensation Lilac - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRVWED2G | Syringa vulgaris 'Wedgewood' - Wedgewood Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRWED3G | Syringa vulgaris 'Wedgewood' - Wedgewood Lilac - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRXMTB5G | Syringa x hyac. 'Mount Baker' - Mount Baker American Lilac - 5 gal | $32.00 |
DS SYRXPEN2G | Syringa x 'Penda' - Bloomerang Lilac - 2 gal | $26.00 |
DS SYRXPOC2G | Syringa x hyac. 'Pocahontas' - Pochahontus American Lilac - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS SYRXPOC3G | Syringa x hyac. 'Pocahontas' - Pochahontus American Lilac - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS SYRXSDB3G | Syringa x hyac. 'Scentara 'Double Blue' - Lilac -3 gal | $36.00 |
DS TAMRSC5G | Tamarix ramossissima - Amur Tamarisk - 5 gal | $30.00 |
DS VIBALF2G | Viburnum trilobum 'Alfredo' - Alfredo Cranberry - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS VIBALF5G | Viburnum trilobum 'Alfredo' Cranberry - 5 gal | $26.00 |
DS VIBED1G | Viburnum edule - Lowbush Cranberry - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS VIBED2G | Viburnum edule - Lowbush Cranberry - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS VIBLANM2G | Viburnum Lantana 'Mohican'- Mohican Wayfaring Tree - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS VIBLEN2G | Viburnum lentago - Nannyberry - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS VIBOPNAN2G | Viburnum opulus nanum - Dwarf European Cranberry - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS VIBSB1G | Viburnum opulus roseum - Snowball - 1 gal | $12.00 |
DS VIBSB2G | Viburnum opulus roseum - Snowball - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS VIBST3G | Viburnum opulus `Sterile` - Snowball - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS VIBST5G | Viburnum opulus - Snowball - 5 gal | $26.00 |
DS VIBTRI2G | Viburnum trilobum - Highbush Cranberry - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS VIBTRIBAI2G | Viburnum tri. compactum 'Bailey's' - Bailey's Com. Cranberry - 2 gal | $20.00 |
DS WEIDH3G | Weigela florida 'Dark Horse' - Dark Horse Weigela -3 gal | $24.00 |
DS WEIMIN2G | Weigela florida 'Minuet' - Minuet Weigela - 2 gal | $24.00 |
DS WEIRPR1G | Weigela florida 'Red Prince' Weigela - 1 gal | $10.00 |
DS WEIRPR2G | Weigela florida 'Red Prince' - Red Prince Weigela - 2 gal | $22.00 |
DS WEIRPR3G | Weigela florida 'Red Prince' - Red Prince Weigela - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS WEISP3G | Weigela florida `Spilled Wine` - Spilled Wine Weigela -3 gal | $30.00 |
DS WEIWAR3G | Weigela florida 'Alexandra' - Wine & Roses Weigela - 3 gal | $30.00 |
DS WEIWOF3G | Weigela florida `Wings of Fire`- Wings of Fire Weigela - 3 gal | $24.00 |
DS WEIXCK3G | Weigela x 'Slingco 1'- Crimson Kisses Weigela -3 gal | $36.00 |
DS WEIXTUX3G | Weigela x 'Velda' - Tuxedo Weigela - 3 gal | $36.00 |
DSWEIXEL3G | Weigela x 'ZR1'- Electric Love' Weigela - 3 gal | $36.00 |